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Tag : blues

The “Dr.” Roosevelt Collier at Hollywood Arts Park

It’s so good to be back. Yes, I’m speaking both in writing and behind the lens. As I mentioned in my last entry, I am back behind the lens with my Beast doing what I love, shooting live music. I first shared with you a quick little set of the band, Juke and now it’s time for the main event, Roosevelt Collier. I first experienced the magic of his steel guitar a couple of years back as one of the supporting acts at “One Nation Under a Groove” and I’ve without a doubt been a fan ever since. 


Juke Jam at Hollywood Arts Park

There are certain things that when given the opportunity, you take it. I for one most certainly do. So when I had seent that there was one particular artist that was going to be having a performance locally, you know I made my way there. 


Sunny South Lincoln Beard

What do you know, I have a great local brewery near my neighborhood and they host live music. This queen is certainly pleased.
