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Tag : boa

Pets, pets, pets

Lately there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. I have had to work longer hours and that has left very little time for much else. Unfortunately that has included not having much time to practice behind the lens. Sometimes you just want to be able to replicate yourself in order to accomplish all you set out to do in the scope of a day. I did not wish to leave you in the wind however and so I revisited some previous photos in order to share at least a little something with you. Something that I hold very dear. I’m speaking of my pets. These aren’t all my animals of course. I am just posting pets I have photographed in general, though most of these are my personal pets. To be honest I have a bit of a zoo. In total I own 3 Colombian boas, 3 cats and a dog. Well, for what its worth, one of my cats thinks he’s a dog. That cat would be Wallace. (more…)