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Tag : Coral Gables

Within You

Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.

“Color”, an event presented by Compositum Musicae Novae!

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That was exactly how I spent St. Patrick’s Day evening, immersed in art of varying forms.     (more…)

Exploration, Coral Gables

What’s the best thing someone can do when they are feeling restless and caged? My answer, go for a walk. Now granted, you may not think you have the time and sometimes it may seem difficult to find the time, however it’s there. You just have to but in a bit of effort. I have been itching to get behind the lens again, and while I have some pending projects in line, I didn’t have anything scheduled for last weekend. That’s when I decided let me go out and shoot for me. So I did. (more…)

Biltmore Drive-by

I decided to call it an early night tonight. I just had to get home and edit. It was like a call I could not ignore. Granted, this set I’m bringing to you is from a quick little drive-by I did earlier on this week. What I’m editing is a back of a Throwback, Flash-forward little set I’ll be working on. But for that you can stay tuned and see for yourself. On to this set.  (more…)