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Tag : culture

Music In Many Forms

To be multi-faceted, to have depth. It’s something that I am grateful to possess, especially when it extends to my photography. To be more specific, in the genre of music that I capture with my lens. I love listening to new forms of music, from symphonies to sonatas, all the way through modern music. After all, music comes in many forms. (more…)

Zen at Morikami

There’s nothing like checking something off your to-do list. For myself it was going to Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach. Granted, it was a little over an hour’s drive from my house, however it was worth the trip. Initially the plan was to go on Saturday, though upon waking the weather was rather gloomy and I did not want to make the trip only to be unable to take pictures. Sunday I gave it another go. Of course it got a little dreary by the time I arrived at the gardens, though at that point, headed back empty handed was not an option. (more…)