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Tag : death

A Gloomy Sunday

I haven’t done much in the line of photography as of late. For reasons I won’t get in to here, I have regrettably been neglecting honing my craft. I can say that I have a rather long way to go in terms of getting to the level that I want. While one never stops learning, ideally I would love to get to a point where I’m comfortable with my work. I’m a long ways a way, yet I will not cease my efforts. I cannot. Today the lens called to me, despite everything ongoing. I needed it. (more…)

At rest

Every other week my family and I visit the grave of my deceased aunt. Although I am still numb, there is still pain there beneath the surface. Still, I have always had a fascination with cemeteries. There is something beautiful in the pain. Today I decided to hide behind the lens and attempt to photograph the beauty in it. It was my way of coping with the emotion. I didn’t photograph for long, not this time. (more…)