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Tag : family

Hurricane Prep in Effect

I’m on a roll today. One more down, a few more to go. That’s the one downside to not being able to get to your post work but at the same time not being able to help yourself when it comes to capturing moments. 


Let’s Play

My niece and nephew are quite the characters. They remind me so much of myself and my younger brother and I love watching them interact with each other. I love spending time with them even more and so when they were down here for the beginning of their summer break, I took advantage as much as I could. One order of business was taking them to go play. (more…)

Impromptu H

Without getting in to the details, there has been quite a bit of waiting these last few days, and while I initially had plans to go out shooting, there was a slight detour and I had the opportunity to spend time with my niece, a.k.a. Mini Me.


A Gloomy Sunday

I haven’t done much in the line of photography as of late. For reasons I won’t get in to here, I have regrettably been neglecting honing my craft. I can say that I have a rather long way to go in terms of getting to the level that I want. While one never stops learning, ideally I would love to get to a point where I’m comfortable with my work. I’m a long ways a way, yet I will not cease my efforts. I cannot. Today the lens called to me, despite everything ongoing. I needed it. (more…)

Lanterns for her

I haven’t had much time behind the lens lately. Between work and personal obligations, there isn’t enough hours in the day. Sadly, photography isn’t how I earn my living and so I’ve been dealing with camera withdrawals. Even in my daily life, I would be walking past someone or something and I found myself reaching for Artemis in my handbag. She was there, as always, though time never did allow. It makes me sad more often than not. Alas, life makes you work for what you want and so, I press forward. (more…)

Together, yet missing a piece

Every other week, I go with my mother to the cemetery and visit the grave of my aunt. While I normally don’t take photos while I’m there, sometimes there are moments that begged to be captured. This particular day, my niece and nephew came along and wanted to take part in the rituals we do while there. Kids can be so well adjusted some times. (more…)

Pool Hall Junkies in Celebration

I love shooting pool. I really do. It’s the kind of activity that I am perfectly  content playing for hours on end either by myself or with a group of friends. On this particular night, we headed out to our local pool hall to push the rock around with a couple of friends to celebrate my Wolf’s birthday. (more…)

A touch of sadness

While some may consider me morbid when I say this, know that morbidity is not the reasoning I feel what I’m about to express. While I dislike and possibly despise going to wakes and funerals, I love cemeteries. Between the idea that souls buried there have found peace, to the stone and artwork, I find cemeteries to be a place of beauty. Though it pains me to see the heartbreak for those visiting their loved ones, the opposite side of the coin is that pain is matched by the same level of love. (more…)

A day for thanks

This year our Thanksgiving was bittersweet. I was initially asked not to take any photographs during the evening, though minds were changed as the time got closer. For that fact I am grateful. There was a lot of beautiful moments I was thankful to have capture and you can see some of them here in this entry.  I hope you enjoy them as they have brought a smile to my face. (more…)