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Tag : Florida

Sunny South getting down

I’m going to admit something right from the start. I don’t care for this particular set. Not on account of the band, not at all. I love those guys. The venue however, I just wasn’t feeling the lighting.  (more…)

Let’s Play

My niece and nephew are quite the characters. They remind me so much of myself and my younger brother and I love watching them interact with each other. I love spending time with them even more and so when they were down here for the beginning of their summer break, I took advantage as much as I could. One order of business was taking them to go play. (more…)

Vladez at Sunset a la fifty

So here’s the deal. In the 3 years I’ve been shooting live music, I had never shot a band with my 50mm prime lens. Despite reading in several different places how it’s the obvious choice when shooting in dark or dimly lit venue due to the larger aperture, for me it is simply a matter of having the flexibility of a zoom lens and not having to pack more than necessary when going out.


Vladez at Sunset

Well, well. I can finally say that I’m caught up on my backlog. I’ve been quite the busy one you could say. As for today’s entry…  (more…)

Day 4, Acoustically

So this past weekend I went out in support of some friends in Day 4 performing for a super-fan in their first acoustic gig. Let’s just say it was quite an experience. First, I along with 5 other cars stopped traffic on the turnpike in order to save a pitbull who had somehow appeared right smack in the middle of northbound traffic running scared. Then it was off to the show.  (more…)

A peek in to FlowerBlade Records

Hello and welcome. I wish my eyes could take photos, I am constantly being drawn to this and that. Luckily I always have my camera with me, so when there is something I just have capture, it’s there. I’m always making photos in my mind. I was born this way. I cannot imagine myself being any other way. (more…)

Day 4 with GEARS

What can I say… another favorite band of mine closed down the house and I was loving it… It’s kind of hard not to with a group of talented individuals..  It was almost bittersweet to have their set end, however all things com to an end as they say.  (more…)

Biltmore Drive-by

I decided to call it an early night tonight. I just had to get home and edit. It was like a call I could not ignore. Granted, this set I’m bringing to you is from a quick little drive-by I did earlier on this week. What I’m editing is a back of a Throwback, Flash-forward little set I’ll be working on. But for that you can stay tuned and see for yourself. On to this set.  (more…)

Walking about the Hammocks

Normally, I like to post a blog entry in tandem with uploading my latest sets on to social media, however this particular time around I haven’t had much time to sit behind the computer and write something out regarding the collection that I’ve shared. Sometimes, it’s much easier to just go out and shoot , edit and just call it a day. I suppose it’s all about time management and while for the most part I’m fairly good at it, lately there is a lot on my plate. That being said, I figured today would be a good a time as any being that I’m presently importing another couple of snaps to work on.  (more…)

Tree Tops and a Hike

Well, hello, hello readers and friends alike. After a slight detour due to life, I bring to you my newest set. I woke up early last Sunday morning in love with the beauty that was the day. It wasn’t just the weather either, the whole day had an incredible energy that was intoxicating. All I could think of was grabbing my camera and being outside, taking in the fresh air and feeling the ground beneath my feet. So I pulled up my list of places I would love to shot and decided to head to Tree Tops Park in Davie, Florida. Off I went in search of what I needed, after a quick pit stop at Starbucks of course. (more…)