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Tag : gallery

Compositum Musicae Novae’s Metamorphosis

Last week was a very busy week for me. 3 bookings each one day apart combined with a day job equaled a very tired individual. While I would love to sleep for like a week, I’m actually quite excited to be sharing this particular post with you today. 


“Color”, an event presented by Compositum Musicae Novae!

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That was exactly how I spent St. Patrick’s Day evening, immersed in art of varying forms.     (more…)

CMN Winter Music Concert

2014 and the beginning of a new year.  2013 is now come and gone and I find it fitting to bring to you my last set of photographs of the year. I had the pleasure of photographing at CMN’s first annual winter music concert. It was a great evening full of wonderful talent both in music and in art. I, for one, was thankful to be present and wish them even more success in the upcoming events.  So here is my final set of the year. I look forward to many more opportunities in this upcoming years. (more…)

Spectrum, Art Basel

There hasn’t been much spare time for anything lately it seems. Unfortunately my present job has been requiring far too many hours, keeping me from having time behind the lens. It is unfortunately a necessity at the moment. I did, however, manage on getting out a for short while to Art Basel this past Wednesday, I am on of the performers in an video art installation, and I was there to who my support to the artist. (more…)