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Tag : hip-hop

Puff Puff Pass

It’s not always about that rock for me… I am diverse.


Give Me One More, The Main Squeeze at Revolution Live

I can’t even begin to get in to how thankful I have been lately with the opportunities I have had behind the lens. Case in point, another amazing night for my Beast and I. The band, The Main Squeeze. (more…)

He represents the real Hip Hop

Ladies and gentleman and all in between. I am absolutely ecstatic to be writing to you today. I’m not going to beat around the bush here. I was both privileged and blessed to not simply attend a live and intimate performance of one of my all time favorite Hip Hop artists, I was given the opportunity to capture it with my lens. Yes yes y’all, ya don’t stop, KRS-ONE, rock on! and I was there. 


Blackbirds, Art Official at Wynwood Yard

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”
Don McCullin



You could say I’ve been burning the candle at both ends this week. While work has been insane with preparing to move offices, upgrading computers and still keeping up with the flood of work that is my day to day, I’ve also been burning the midnight oil working on my photos from this last weekend at Fishoutawata at Tobacco Road here in downtown Miami. (more…)