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Tag : miami beach

Rhye, Bringing In The Feels at Art Basel

Caught in this pool held in your eyes
Caught like a fool without a line
We’re in a natural spring
With this gentle sting between us
I wanna make this play
Oh, I know you’re faded
Mm, but stay, don’t close your hands


Afrobeta Opens at North Beach Bandshell

It’s that time and another one from the backlog is under wraps with this entry. 


If I Ever Fall Asleep, Turkuaz at North Beach Bandshell

The excitement has been real for me these last couple of months and I’ll tell you why.


Manifest Modern Mimes

It is listening. There are times you may not think that it is, but I assure you the Universe listens. 


Fire, Fire, Burning Fire

It’s been a long time coming, and changes are being made.  (more…)

Where you at? On the way.

This past Friday I was able to escape my job earlier than the usual 5:30 grind. That gave me the opportunity to take a slight detour of sorts and rather than jump on the highway, I took the regular road instead. After all, good things come when you do not take the roads of convenience. 


Do what you can’t

Hey there readers. I’m bringing to you something along the lines of special for me. As you may or may not already know, I finally got my hands on the 5d Mark IV and let me tell you that I am absolutely in love.

This is one of my dream cameras. Actually, if I had to choose a camera to be THE favorite, Beast would be it. I’ve been wanting a 5d since I first began looking at DSLRs and it has been a goal of mine to own once since day 1. I still would like to make a formal introduction to you all however I could not wait to get shooting with him. What was even better was that I received him and his lovely lenses just before our local monthly drum circle.  While I know what he’s capable of, I wanted to see how I would do. 

There’s definitely a learning curve going from a crop sensor Rebel, to a brief run with a crop 7d and now a full frame monster. I can’t wait until I know everything there is to know about him. Enough chit chat though. I want to share with you my first night out with my new love. It was a beautiful and clear night with great vibes as always. As for the shots, I know that I could have done better and the next time I will. Nonetheless, it was an amazing first session and here are my favorite captures of the night.

You know the drill. These are my favorites of the night and there are a few more of what I would consider some “not-so-great” shots on my Facebook page. As always, you are welcome to browse through should you so wish. As for me, it’s time to get to the next adventure.  While lately I find myself needing at least two clones though it is by no means a complaint. After all, effort equals rewards and I’m thankful to say that I’m certainly reaping them. 

Lighting it up

You know when there is just something you are both anxious and excited to work on? Well, that has been me the last couple of weeks working through my sets knowing these were in line. I have been pulling all sorts of crazy hours catching up on the backlog, working towards time to get to this particular collection. 


Fire flow on a moonlight night

Even with a fight breaking out right next to me, it was all about the vibe that night. Of course my small little self got up quick as hell and relocated to a different spot. I was not trying to be a casualty on such a gorgeous night. The fight not withstanding, I was loving it that night. The spinners were on fire, figuratively speaking of course. Or am I?  (more…)

Waiting for the Red Moon

Hello, hello, world. It’s the Queen checking in on a quick little post before work. Time has been in short supply for me and there’s been quite the load for me and so forgive me for being brief. Despite the lack of time, one thing I have not allowed myself is to be without taking some shots here and there. That being said, I’m bringing to you a very special set of images today. You see, last month’s full moon was very special. Not only was it a red moon, it was also the night of a full lunar eclipse and apparently the only one we will be able to see for the next twenty years. If it’s even possible, I’m still on a high from this night. (more…)