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Tag : music

Wynwood and the Voss

This weekend I had the pleasure of heading out to our local Art District here in Miami for an exclusive photo shoot with one of my close friends, Nick Voss. He had wanted to get together and take a few photos in an urban type setting for the release of his three new singles and I was more than happy to oblige. (more…)

CMN Winter Music Concert

2014 and the beginning of a new year.  2013 is now come and gone and I find it fitting to bring to you my last set of photographs of the year. I had the pleasure of photographing at CMN’s first annual winter music concert. It was a great evening full of wonderful talent both in music and in art. I, for one, was thankful to be present and wish them even more success in the upcoming events.  So here is my final set of the year. I look forward to many more opportunities in this upcoming years. (more…)

Taking on the lion

Being a photographer so far has given me some wonderful experiences.  I’ve met amazing people and have had the pleasure of working with some rather talented individuals. If that isn’t rewarding enough, I’m also having a great time. It does require a lot of time, though all in all it’s a small price to pay. (more…)

Spark a Rebelution

Hello friends and fans alike. It’s been some time since I’ve last posted an entry and I’m hoping you can forgive me. If you know me personally or read my personal blog you’ll know I’ve recently suffered a death of someone very close to me. Although she was a great supporter of my work, I haven’t had it in me to get behind the lens. For the last two weeks I’ve been fighting with myself to snap out of it (no pun intended), yet it wasn’t as easy as that. (more…)


Getting together my favorite shots for this particular post was a bit difficult.  I was shooting at a rather slow aperture to compensate for the low light and there was a lot of great shots I couldn’t use on account of them being too blurry. I wish I could already afford to upgrade my camera. However, for now I will just have to make do with what I got. Realistically speaking I will more than likely not be upgrading for about another year. In the meanwhile, I will have more time honing my skills and practice, practice, practice. (more…)

Everywhere, yet nowhere

I haven’t been taking many photographs lately. Quite honestly is been hard to find the time. It’s as if there’s never enough hours in the day. Still, I have to be behind the lens. It’s a hunger of mine that must be fed. So I do take Artemis with me everywhere I go. This weekend she went along with me to an Urban Rebel show at Nowhere Lounge on South Beach. She loves them as I do and I’m sure my pictures are proof of that. (more…)

Moonchine Bistro

I had the pleasure of going to Moonchine Bistro and Asian Lounge on Friday to watch my friends at Urban Rebel rock the place out. I was actually really excited to go to this show because I had heard it was an intimate venue. While most of the venues they perform at are considered small venues, this particular location was very small. (more…)


You could say I’ve been burning the candle at both ends this week. While work has been insane with preparing to move offices, upgrading computers and still keeping up with the flood of work that is my day to day, I’ve also been burning the midnight oil working on my photos from this last weekend at Fishoutawata at Tobacco Road here in downtown Miami. (more…)

Don’t forget your jacket, Black Jacket that is

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last post. I’ve been quite busy with work and revamping my website. Needless to say, both tasks have taken up quite a bit of time. I did however take a break on Friday night to watch my friends, Black Jacket, do their thing at Will Call. They had asked me to come and snap a few photos. Since I haven’t been out to see them in a few months, I was more than willing to oblige. Since then a new vocalist has come on board and I was excited to hear them at a venue like Will Call. It was a great set and the boys, excuse me, men, are sounding great. As for my pictures, here are my favorites. I’m still trying to get the hang of the whole shooting manual mode. I especially want to get comfortable with going between the settings as needed while shooting. (more…)

Rising to the top

This weekend I had the pleasure of going to the premiere of Urban Rebel’s new video, Awake. Once again, Urban Rebel did not disappoint. In fact, they raised the bar all the more. As for this queen, she was smart enough to bring her camera along to capture some of that energy. You see, though I’m not  a professional photographer, I fancy myself UR’s personal photographer in a way and I am thankful for their appreciation of my photos. I love capturing their passion and the love they have for their art. I believe that is what truly shines through. I am also glad I can share it with you, readers. On that note I bring to you my favorite shots of evening. I present to you, Urban Rebel at the video premiere event for Awake.
