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Tag : park


“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson


A Walk In The Park

What do you do when you are feeling a little restless and need to get out of the house? Well, on a beautiful day like this past Saturday, you put on your chucks and you head out to your local park. (more…)

Sunrise, Sunset

Yesterday I shared with you the random shot’s from the bikini shoot’s first location. For the second day, the shoots were held both at sunrise and sunset in Delray Beach, Florida. What a beautiful beach and such a glorious sight to behold not only watching the sun rise and break over the water, but to watch the day come to a close in an equally amazing way. (more…)

Walking about the Hammocks

Normally, I like to post a blog entry in tandem with uploading my latest sets on to social media, however this particular time around I haven’t had much time to sit behind the computer and write something out regarding the collection that I’ve shared. Sometimes, it’s much easier to just go out and shoot , edit and just call it a day. I suppose it’s all about time management and while for the most part I’m fairly good at it, lately there is a lot on my plate. That being said, I figured today would be a good a time as any being that I’m presently importing another couple of snaps to work on.  (more…)

A Walk in The Park

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
–   John Muir (more…)