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Tag : pictures

Churchill’s and the Grey 8’s

Ah, Churchill’s. The place has been around almost as long as I have and in Miami lately, that’s saying a lot as most of the places we grew up frequenting have been closing. (more…)

Sunny South at Mardi Gras, Casino that is

Well well, here I am with a slightly bittersweet post. You see, while I do have some items on my backlog yet to edit, this set is a special set. Why you ask?


Instrumental to the sound

Drums, guitars, cymbals, saxes and yes, even vocal chords. All are instruments as they are instrumental.


Where there is a will

I’ve been so wrapped up on my backlog that I had not been able to go shooting with my new Babe. That is until today.  (more…)

Soulicide Rocks The Lot

Well, well. It’s finally time for the last and final installment of my weekend with Soulicide. I will admit I put this set off though I had my reasons.  (more…)

Lighting it up

You know when there is just something you are both anxious and excited to work on? Well, that has been me the last couple of weeks working through my sets knowing these were in line. I have been pulling all sorts of crazy hours catching up on the backlog, working towards time to get to this particular collection. 


Locos Por Juana in Transit

In my last entry, I touched on the fact that there was another band I shot last Thursday and how I would be posting the photos soon. Well, I did it! Not only did I edit two band’s sets, I did it by my deadline. Granted, it was a self imposed deadline, yet a deadline nonetheless. I must say that I am quite pleased.


Koffin Varnish at Propoganda

In my last post I spoke of going to see The Von in Lake Worth last weekend. Well, while waiting for them to take the stage, I had the pleasure of checking out Koffin Varnish. I’ll fill you in a little secret…


Let’s Play

My niece and nephew are quite the characters. They remind me so much of myself and my younger brother and I love watching them interact with each other. I love spending time with them even more and so when they were down here for the beginning of their summer break, I took advantage as much as I could. One order of business was taking them to go play. (more…)

Vladez at Sunset a la fifty

So here’s the deal. In the 3 years I’ve been shooting live music, I had never shot a band with my 50mm prime lens. Despite reading in several different places how it’s the obvious choice when shooting in dark or dimly lit venue due to the larger aperture, for me it is simply a matter of having the flexibility of a zoom lens and not having to pack more than necessary when going out.
