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Tag : relaxation

A New Dawn

It’s been years since I’ve watched the sunrise. Two years to be exact. Well, that was two years too long if you ask me. Well, I just had to do something about it this past weekend.  (more…)

Key Biscayne Anniversary Outing

I love going out for walks, even more so when it’s out by the water. On this particular day, I could not think of a better place to be.  (more…)

Take it in

What began as a simple walk in the park turned in to something much more when I found a cute little spot tucked away and full of things to see. (more…)

When inspiration strikes

There are times when your Muse calls to you. It is then when you should listen.


Another Day at Morikami

Sometime last year, on a rainy afternoon,  I had ventured out to Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. I had been wanting to shoot there for quite some time and I was not disappointed in the least. I instantly fell in love with the place and have been wanting to revisit for a while now.  So I did. It was all that I remembered and more.  Of course I brought along my camera and have come here to share with you all.


Tree Tops and a Hike

Well, hello, hello readers and friends alike. After a slight detour due to life, I bring to you my newest set. I woke up early last Sunday morning in love with the beauty that was the day. It wasn’t just the weather either, the whole day had an incredible energy that was intoxicating. All I could think of was grabbing my camera and being outside, taking in the fresh air and feeling the ground beneath my feet. So I pulled up my list of places I would love to shot and decided to head to Tree Tops Park in Davie, Florida. Off I went in search of what I needed, after a quick pit stop at Starbucks of course. (more…)

Zen at Morikami

There’s nothing like checking something off your to-do list. For myself it was going to Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens in Delray Beach. Granted, it was a little over an hour’s drive from my house, however it was worth the trip. Initially the plan was to go on Saturday, though upon waking the weather was rather gloomy and I did not want to make the trip only to be unable to take pictures. Sunday I gave it another go. Of course it got a little dreary by the time I arrived at the gardens, though at that point, headed back empty handed was not an option. (more…)

Beach Day

Sometimes, all you need is to step out and step away. The wind in your hair, the salt in the air, the ocean waves crashing on to the sand. Some times, a day at the beach is all you need. It’s the simple pleasures in life that can at times, to a photographer, be the most soothing and beautiful moments.


Beachside Morning

You’ll have to pardon my absence as of late. There has been quite a bit a lot going on in my life. That being said, I’ve been rather short on time for my day to day responsibilities and even less time possible behind the lens. I have been missing it greatly, though I have not had the capability to remedy it as of yet. (more…)

Pool Hall Junkies. Again and again

I love shooting pool. It falls right on up there in my favorite past times list. Of course with time being as limited as it is, I rarely have time to indulge my pool hall junkie side. This weekend, however, was an entirely different story. Imagine my excitement when amongst the list of plans for the evening was to go to our local hall and push the rock around. Artemis and I were both very excited. While I spent more time on the table as opposed to behind the lens, I did manage on snapping a few to share with you. Who says I don’t care about my readers. So here they are, my favorites of the evening. I hope you all enjoy them. (more…)