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Tag : relaxation

Zen by the Water

As I mentioned in my last post, I have not had much time for photography as of late. As upsetting as it is, it is an unfortunate fact. I have however, not had it far from my thoughts. Especially on moments such as this, when you walk out by the water and instantly become absorbed in the natural beauty that is Gaia. Although this photo was taken about a week ago, it still takes me back nonetheless to the zen that was this moment. When life gets a little crazy, place me by the water and all is instantly well. (more…)

City Zen

This past Thursday the morning was positively beautiful here in Miami. Well, at least the morning’s weather was gorgeous. I decided to take yet another one of my walks over towards Bayfront Park in the downtown area. It really is one of my favorite places to go before work. It is especially nice when I get there early enough to watch the sun come up. This particular morning I had arrived a little bit late and therefore missed the sunrise. However, it was still another lovely morning. (more…)