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Tag : rock

Rising to the top

This weekend I had the pleasure of going to the premiere of Urban Rebel’s new video, Awake. Once again, Urban Rebel did not disappoint. In fact, they raised the bar all the more. As for this queen, she was smart enough to bring her camera along to capture some of that energy. You see, though I’m not  a professional photographer, I fancy myself UR’s personal photographer in a way and I am thankful for their appreciation of my photos. I love capturing their passion and the love they have for their art. I believe that is what truly shines through. I am also glad I can share it with you, readers. On that note I bring to you my favorite shots of evening. I present to you, Urban Rebel at the video premiere event for Awake.


First flight

Why hello there. I realize its been a few days since I’ve stopped by to share anything new with you. I have however been biding my time until now. The reason? I had waited for the arrival of my new lens. I am now the owner of a 17-55mm 2.8 Canon. Granted, it’s not an L lens and I will not be able to use it when I upgrade my Rebel in the future. However, being that the upgrade is a ways away both financially and in experience, I wanted to step up my walk around lens while at the same time gaining a bit more performance when I take in our local music scene. (more…)

Music state of mind

Friday night was an incredible night for me at Will Call in downtown Miami. After a some planning, I got some friends of mine together to go out and see Urban Rebel. Not only do they now have new fans, once again they left me wanting more. I positively love going to see them perform.Their shows never disappoint. Not only do they have fun and love what they do, they have an insane amount of energy and it is nothing short of contagious. They even had a guest performer join them on stage, Coz Canler of “The Romantics”. The whole vibe was amazing. I found myself not being able to put my camera down. So much so, that I was tempted to switch over to video and just film the remainder of the show. I had even a more difficult time picking my favorite shots of the evening. They were having so much fun up there. (more…)

They bring it

Last night we made it out to watch our favorite local band perform a fantastic set at the Native Florida Taproom and Music hall. While my camera struggled with my beginner’s skill level and the rather dim conditions, the band did not disappoint. I took quite a few photos yet was unhappy with most save for the few found here. The below photos are my favorite, however. Most importantly, the band loved them, too. I hope you enjoy them. If you’re ever in the South Florida area, look up Urban Rebel and head out to one of their shows. You won’t be disappointed. (more…)

Urban Rebel at STFUfest

This set is that of Urban Rebel also performing at STFUfest at Ft. Lauderdale’s Culture Room. This band was fantastic and I’m not just saying so because we are friends with the guitarist. These guys were great. Urban Rebel is a groove rock and heavy funk band from Miami, Florida formed in 2007. The band consists of vocalist Will Gonzalez, aka Trip “6”, bassist Laszlo Piringer, aka” LaC”, guitarist Alex Jose Gonzalez aka “Jim BOB”, DJ Barry GoldWater III and female drummer Elisa Seda, aka “E. Otherwise known as a great bunch of people. (more…)

Black Jacket at STFUfest

Last weekend my wolf and I made it out to the Culture Room in Ft. Lauderdale to attend STFUfest. What started out as a night of support for two of our friends and their bands, turned in to a great night full of music and good times. We haven’t been to any shows in a little while and I figured what better way to get back in to the scene than to show some love for some very hard working and dedicated individuals. This particular set is that of Black Jacket. I will be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when Captain Jack stepped out on stage, however it turned out to be a great set and these boys really know how to rock. (more…)