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Tag : small venue

Changing Gears

“I am still learning.”
– Michelangelo


Pandia kicking it at The Elbo

Well, for starters let’s just say I have a favorite cover band. Not only are they epic on stage, but I have come to call them my friends. You are guaranteed a great time whenever you see them and yes, you will dance even if you don’t want to. I’m serious. I love these guys and I always have a good time when I go to see them do what they do. But, this is about the photos is it not? Keep reading..  (more…)

Day 4, Acoustically

So this past weekend I went out in support of some friends in Day 4 performing for a super-fan in their first acoustic gig. Let’s just say it was quite an experience. First, I along with 5 other cars stopped traffic on the turnpike in order to save a pitbull who had somehow appeared right smack in the middle of northbound traffic running scared. Then it was off to the show.  (more…)


“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Anniversary throwback

Well well. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here. Life has had me plenty busy though I have not forgotten you all. I’m actually here today to bring you all a little something special. You see, yesterday marked my three year anniversary of shooting live music. While I have only had my Rebel a few months longer, shooting live music is my bag. It’s my thrill, my drug. To see the artists on stage, their live and passion for what they do, I get lost in the moment. I get lost in the feeling. (more…)

Day 4 with GEARS

What can I say… another favorite band of mine closed down the house and I was loving it… It’s kind of hard not to with a group of talented individuals..  It was almost bittersweet to have their set end, however all things com to an end as they say.  (more…)

GEARS – Pride Comes Before the Fall

It’s with great excitement that I’m writing this post. For several reasons, actually. First and foremost, on a personal level I was able to make it out to Cheers in Ft. Lauderdale this last Friday night to support some friends of mine and my favorite bands. I love going out to see live music, meeting new people and in general, having a great time. Secondly, and equally as important, I got to shoot live. Now, mind you, it’s been quite some time since I’ve shot live music. It hasn’t been easy for me to find the time lately although it is my favorite type of photography. This particular event though, I could not miss.  (more…)

Best of Cheers

Finally. After a week and a half of juggling my work life and photography, I am able to bring to you this set. I originally wanted to narrow down this collection to 15 photos, however there was simply no way for me to do so this time around. I mean, how could I? (more…)

Front Row

In my experience as a photographer, there are times when you positively love the images you capture, and other times, not so much. This particular time out, I’m very much loving this set. I don’t know whether it was the lighting this time around or the fog machines, perhaps just how good I was feeling; I am insanely pleased with these photos. It of course helps that the majority of them are of my favorite local band.  (more…)

Spark a Rebelution

Hello friends and fans alike. It’s been some time since I’ve last posted an entry and I’m hoping you can forgive me. If you know me personally or read my personal blog you’ll know I’ve recently suffered a death of someone very close to me. Although she was a great supporter of my work, I haven’t had it in me to get behind the lens. For the last two weeks I’ve been fighting with myself to snap out of it (no pun intended), yet it wasn’t as easy as that. (more…)