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Tag : texture


With coffee in hand and a great movie on TV, I’m taking this quick little moment to bring to you a little set I worked on recently. As I may or may not have said previously, I take my camera everywhere. If it’s not in my hands, it’s right inside my bag. It’s an extension of me and I feel as if I’m missing a part of myself when I don’t have it near. Well, enough about me, on to the post. (more…)

Train Spotting, Urbex Style

Hello and Happy New Year readers. I hope this new year has been nothing short of phenomenal so far for you all. As for me, I come to you an excited queen. Finally, after almost a year now, I got to try my hand at some Urbex photography. I love shooting live music, it is by far my favorite type of photography. The lighting, the atmosphere, the people, the energy, I just can’t seem to get enough. However, I also love expanding my horizons and urban exploration has been on my to-do list for quite some time. So with the help of two photog friends and our lovely Mini Coopers, we ventured and we arrived at an abandoned train location in the Miami area and proceeded to attempt to capture what we saw.
