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Tag : water

Key Biscayne Anniversary Outing

I love going out for walks, even more so when it’s out by the water. On this particular day, I could not think of a better place to be.  (more…)

When inspiration strikes

There are times when your Muse calls to you. It is then when you should listen.



“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Sunrise, Sunset, Swimwear

Hello, hello, people of the page. Finally, some time to upload and share with you the second day of our photoshoot weekend. This particular shoot day took place in Delray Beach and wow, what a beautiful beach. The sand was soft, the water clear and the models, beautiful. I loved being out by the water watching the sun come up in all it’s beautiful glory. Then, to add to the bliss, I had the opportunity to get behind the lens and do what I love.  (more…)

Sunrise, Sunset

Yesterday I shared with you the random shot’s from the bikini shoot’s first location. For the second day, the shoots were held both at sunrise and sunset in Delray Beach, Florida. What a beautiful beach and such a glorious sight to behold not only watching the sun rise and break over the water, but to watch the day come to a close in an equally amazing way. (more…)

Tree Tops and a Hike

Well, hello, hello readers and friends alike. After a slight detour due to life, I bring to you my newest set. I woke up early last Sunday morning in love with the beauty that was the day. It wasn’t just the weather either, the whole day had an incredible energy that was intoxicating. All I could think of was grabbing my camera and being outside, taking in the fresh air and feeling the ground beneath my feet. So I pulled up my list of places I would love to shot and decided to head to Tree Tops Park in Davie, Florida. Off I went in search of what I needed, after a quick pit stop at Starbucks of course. (more…)

Beach Day

Sometimes, all you need is to step out and step away. The wind in your hair, the salt in the air, the ocean waves crashing on to the sand. Some times, a day at the beach is all you need. It’s the simple pleasures in life that can at times, to a photographer, be the most soothing and beautiful moments.


Beachside Morning

You’ll have to pardon my absence as of late. There has been quite a bit a lot going on in my life. That being said, I’ve been rather short on time for my day to day responsibilities and even less time possible behind the lens. I have been missing it greatly, though I have not had the capability to remedy it as of yet. (more…)

Downtown Morning

Good morning, good day, good evening, readers. I hope today finds you well. I’ve been quite caught up with some personal matters as of late and you have my apologies for my lack of posts. Time has been lacking for me as of late it seems. Still, my mind is always thinking of the next project and I have quite a few I’m quite partial about. (more…)

It’s early morning

So last week I took a walk about downtown before work. It was nice to get out and breathe the fresh morning air. Although the sight of the homeless laying out on the sidewalks is heartbreaking, this early in the morning all the buildings are still lit and downtown is equally beautiful. My favorite would be walking out towards Bayfront Park however. To see the sun coming up over the water instantly puts me at ease. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before or not, I simply love a beautiful sunrise. Sunsets are gorgeous, yes. However, for me there is something about the day breaking and beginning anew. (more…)