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Tag : Wynwood

On The Run, Turkuaz at Wynwood Yard

I’m not normally at a complete loss for words when I’ve heard a band play live for the first time; however, if there was one band that left me speechless, Turkuaz would be one of them.


Ladies and Gentleman, THE MAIN SQUEEZE

Day in and day out I’ve been at this and let me just say it was well worth it. 


I didn’t initially plan to go out last weekend, but my younger brother had mentioned to me that there was a funk band from Cali coming to play at Wynwood Yard that I really should check out. It was an automatic, “hell yeah, I’m down”. Who turns a good funk band? So off we went to the yard and I found myself excited. I wasn’t sure how much shooting I was going to be able to do since I knew for a fact I would be dancing but, I did shoot. I danced a bit, too. Okay, that’s a lie. I danced a lot. Everyone was dancing and the vibe was amazing throughout the entire yard.

They were phenomenal.Polished and perfect. The entire band was on point with not one weak link to be found. From the vocals to the insane guitar solo and incredible work on keyboard and bass, That Main Squeeze had it on lock. Seriously. It is few and far between that I find myself enjoying a live show that much.

The part I found insane about it all was that despite the fact they are presently touring nationwide just having performed at Red Rocks, the show at the Yard was free. I would have easily paid on any given day to go see them live. You can’t even begin to imagine how much better they are live than on recording. Best part about it all was that despite playing all originals the entire night, they chose Redbone from Childish Gambino. That’s my jam.  I just have to say Wow. But this isn’t about my love of funk. This is about the photos, right? 

Well, I picked out a few favorites for you all to see here however please make sure you stop by my Facebook page for the whole set. Let’s see how you like them. 



Xperimento at the Yard’s first year

What do you do when a band you dig asks you to come out and photograph them? Why, you say yes, of course. Going out to shoot Xperimento was definitely on the books as a good night.

They, as well as quite a few other groups got together to perform at Wynwood Yard’s first year anniversary and I wasn’t going to miss it. What a great venue. It’s very cute with it’s backyard appeal and not to mention the night was beautiful. Cool and crisp with not a sight of rain. The vibe was great from the moment I got there. From the lights to the tunes, I was definitely feeling it. Then it was time for Xperimento to take the stage and for me to get to work. 

Between the energy on stage to the people dancing, there was no way not to have a good time. As for me, I was reveling between lights and shadows and getting lost behind my lens. Can I tell you how much I was loving all the color play going on? Well, before I knew it their set was over and I got to head home and immediately start sorting through my captures. I gave myself a quick sneak peek and was instantly excited. 

So here we are, I’ve sent the band their shots, uploaded a smaller set to Facebook and now I bring to you my favorites. It was particularly difficult for me to narrow down the shots which means you guys get to see a bit more than usual, though I don’t think you’ll mind. Do you? Now, if I did my job right, you’ll see just what a great time is to be had when Xperimento is playing live. Check them out if you can. 


Wynwood Meets Swimwear

Why, hello there everyone. Yes, I’m a cornball. It is what it is. I can’t help it. I’m excited to be bringing to you now the first of two posts I’ve been anxious to write and to share. As I mentioned in previous entries, I had the pleasure of assisting on a two day bikini photoshoot for Vicissitude Magazine based out of New York. Not only was I a bit nervous (I’d never shot fashion before), I was also giddy to be having the opportunity. (more…)

Wynwood Day

Hello, hello all. Yes, it has been some time. I’ve been leading quite the busy life lately and I have been trying to get back in a groove so to speak. I suppose you could say it can be difficult to hold a day job, and yet juggle both your home life and no less important, your passion. It’s about time management though and I will get back in to the swing of things. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way. I without a doubt have the will.  (more…)

Spectrum, Art Basel

There hasn’t been much spare time for anything lately it seems. Unfortunately my present job has been requiring far too many hours, keeping me from having time behind the lens. It is unfortunately a necessity at the moment. I did, however, manage on getting out a for short while to Art Basel this past Wednesday, I am on of the performers in an video art installation, and I was there to who my support to the artist. (more…)