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A walkabout, downtown Miami

More often than not, I arrive at work early. I make an effort to do so because I love to just be able to take my time and be easy before the madness of the work day begins. One of my favorite things to do during that time is to talk a walkabout around downtown. Granted, it can be a little scary when it is rather early as well as dark and there are drug addicts along with crazies roaming around the street. However, once you pass those undesirable areas, it is quite a tranquil walk through the downtown city streets.

I enjoy walking around Downtown Miami because it has such a range of things to behold. There’s graffiti art, sculptures, signs, statues and of course, architecture. I love the mix of old and new that make up the entire area that is the city where I work. As such, more often than not, camera in hand. A picture here of a sign, a picture there of a sculpture, or even random sidewalk objects, they all have the possibility of catching my eye. This is the subject of my post. I’m bringing to you some of what my eyes take in while I’m walking about.

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