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While I was working on a couple of edits last night, thought came to me of making a few more changes to my website. Though I’m fairly happy with the design and its content, I still think that there is something missing. The problem is I’m not quite sure what it is. So I have the little hamster in my head running on his little wheel trying hard to find the answer. I know I’d like to display a lot more of my photos for those of you that have not made it to my online gallery on SmugMug and while I do post photos with each and every one of my blog entries, I know not everyone wants to sit and read through entries just to see my photos. So I believe the question at hand is how to best to about that. Do I switch themes, or maybe just link a page on my site to direct you to my gallery feed? Maybe there is even another alternative. I’m still trying to decide exactly what it is I want to accomplish before I can determine the how.

I suppose time will tell soon enough. However, in the meanwhile I continue on. As I mentioned in the opening of this post, I was able to get to some editing last night. I had taken a few shots while waiting for the bus to arrive at the Metrorail station and I was excited to see what I could do with them. There’s nothing social about the subjects in these snaps, however they did appeal to me and so I snapped away. Perhaps it’s the weather outside, or maybe the simple fact that I love a cold tone photograph, but I instantly fell in love with some of these shots. I hope you enjoy them as well.

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