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A new dawn, a new day, a new life

While my lovely and slow bandwidth takes it sweet time uploading some new pictures to my SmugMug gallery, I decided I wanted to share with you a couple of pictures. These three are from my Earth, Air, Fire & Water series. I spend a lot of time by the water. Especially when I get to the downtown area early enough and I head out by Bayfront Park to watch the sunrise. I love sunrises, in fact, I prefer them to sunsets. For me, there is just something about the sun rising over the horizon. The feeling of warmth I get just from watching it come in breaking in a new day with its light. I especially love the sunrising over the water.

These two next shots are taken on one of those mornings. The glow of those orange tones alone are enough to take my breath away. The sad part of it is, from what I have heard, the more polluted are air is, the more breathtaking the sunrises and sunsets become. I don’t know how much of that is true. However, if that’s the case then it is a terrible and sad irony.


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