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City Zen

This past Thursday the morning was positively beautiful here in Miami. Well, at least the morning’s weather was gorgeous. I decided to take yet another one of my walks over towards Bayfront Park in the downtown area. It really is one of my favorite places to go before work. It is especially nice when I get there early enough to watch the sun come up. This particular morning I had arrived a little bit late and therefore missed the sunrise. However, it was still another lovely morning.

I wasn’t the only one drawn to this little gorgeous area. I was met by quite a few visitors to this little section of the park. There was a lovely couple watching the sun over the water, another older gentleman basking in it’s rays and even the local wildlife seemed to be enjoying a moment of zen. I know that I was. I would have loved to stay longer, however the time for work was fast approaching and I had to go. I did get a manage on taking a couple of shots to share with you. I hope you enjoy them.


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