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Everywhere, yet nowhere

I haven’t been taking many photographs lately. Quite honestly is been hard to find the time. It’s as if there’s never enough hours in the day. Still, I have to be behind the lens. It’s a hunger of mine that must be fed. So I do take Artemis with me everywhere I go. This weekend she went along with me to an Urban Rebel show at Nowhere Lounge on South Beach. She loves them as I do and I’m sure my pictures are proof of that.

This particular venue was tricky for me, though. The lighting was one I had yet to deal with in my limited experience and personally I felt that my photographs were going to come out terrible. I don’t like using flash when I’m shooting at these venues because I feel it takes away from the mood of the shots, however there was plenty of times Saturday night where I wished I would have had the right equipment. With experience comes knowledge, or hindsight is 20/20 as they say. Nonetheless ,there was a couple of shots that I particularly liked and I wanted to share them with you now. Let me know what you think.

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