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A touch of sadness

While some may consider me morbid when I say this, know that morbidity is not the reasoning I feel what I’m about to express. While I dislike and possibly despise going to wakes and funerals, I love cemeteries. Between the idea that souls buried there have found peace, to the stone and artwork, I find cemeteries to be a place of beauty. Though it pains me to see the heartbreak for those visiting their loved ones, the opposite side of the coin is that pain is matched by the same level of love.

I digress, however. Just about every other weekend, I visit the cemetery with my mother to pay our respects to my aunt and support my other family members. It’s always a somber time for me and I get a bit restless during that time. Hence, my walking around with camera in hand. I would rather rejoice in the life and memory of someone than dwelling on their passing and so for me, I prefer to look for beauty in the moments. Here is my latest set on one such day. Mind you, they are more like just quick snaps as opposed to more composed shots. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy them. As for me, I’m back to my editing, I have a photo-shoot to finish post processing and there’s not enough hours in the day. More to come soon.

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