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Wynwood Meets Swimwear

Why, hello there everyone. Yes, I’m a cornball. It is what it is. I can’t help it. I’m excited to be bringing to you now the first of two posts I’ve been anxious to write and to share. As I mentioned in previous entries, I had the pleasure of assisting on a two day bikini photoshoot for Vicissitude Magazine based out of New York. Not only was I a bit nervous (I’d never shot fashion before), I was also giddy to be having the opportunity. This first set is our day at Wynwood Walls. Well, to be more specific, outside of the walls was were the imagery happened, up until the cops asked us to leave. Long story. If I have to pick a favorite of the two shoots, this would have to be it. I loved the different art backdrops and all the different colors and patterns there was to work with. My eye was quite pleased to snap away at the scenes and the gorgeous ladies owning it. I hope you enjoy browsing through the collection.

I will admit to it being a bittersweet opportunity however. With the recent passing of my number one fan, it made me feel quite sad to not have him around to share it with. Still, I know my father was with me and I went out behind the lens in his honor that weekend. I know he would have been proud. This one is for you dad.

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