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“Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

I read that quote quite some time ago and it has remained in the back of my mind as I would take photos. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you may have seen my reference to it in the hashtags. I’m at the 12,000 mark and it seems like just yesterday I was starting at one. Flash forward three years and here I am bringing you a very special post to me for as the saying implies, I will only improve from here. This excites me greatly as I’ve already captured some pretty amazing moments and I want to share with you my favorites. However I first want to thank you all for being a part of my journey so far. Whether it’s my muses, my friends, my family and yes, even my critics, you have all taken me where I am today. You will also be a part of my process as I move forward. I thank you all for the inspiration.
12,000 photos is quite a lot to edit and so I narrowed it down to my favorite 300 shots to review and edit. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been burning the midnight oil so to speak, editing shots for my anniversary project in my prior post as well as getting things ready for this post now. It was quite an undertaking however I have narrowed it down to 100 which was no easy task. I won’t post all those here though. You can see them on my Facebook page when you have a moment. This post is for my absolute favorite shots. The ones that are most dear to me. I hope you enjoy them and as always, your comments and feedback are always welcomed.

  • One little tidbit of information first and then, the good stuff.

A couple of months ago I lost my entire catalog in Lightroom and somehow my backup catalog disappeared as well despite several storage locations. I wasn’t thrilled in the slightest with the reality that I lost 3 years and countless hours if editing my photos up until that time. However, it was a mixed blessing because it gave me a reason to revisit and revamp at lot of my previous work and I was able to take it up another notch. 

P.s. I want to give my brother a shout-out for his help in this project of mine. Thanks baby brother.


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