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Locos Por Juana in Transit

In my last entry, I touched on the fact that there was another band I shot last Thursday and how I would be posting the photos soon. Well, I did it! Not only did I edit two band’s sets, I did it by my deadline. Granted, it was a self imposed deadline, yet a deadline nonetheless. I must say that I am quite pleased.

Now let me start off by saying I had heard of both Xperimento and Locos For Juana for quite some time now and had been wanting to check each of them out live. Now imagine how stoked I was to find out they were performing together! Talk about two birds and one stone. Both bands were amazing and energetic though each different in their own respects. I already told you a little about Xperimento in my last entry and this particular post is all about Locos Por Juana. What a set. They had the crowd wrapped around their little finger and once again I had a hard time trying to balance dancing and taking photos. I couldn’t help myself.

As for the photos, the 7D was on point and I’m definitely excited to keep on shooting with it. Where normally I’m pushing my little Rebel past it’s comfort zone, the 7D had no problems whatsoever and it made post work so much easier in general. I did take the editing in a somewhat different direction for some of this set but that was only because I wanted it to look different from Xperimento’s. After all, they are two different bands. It also helps that they used more of the available stage space and provided me a few different angles.

In a nutshell, I had a blast the entire night and can’t wait to see either band the next time. In the meanwhile, I’m bringing to you my favorites shots. I had a hard time narrowing it down for this group though. I wanted to share with you a little bit of everything that went on and so this gallery is a bit larger than I usually post in my entries. There are still a few more to be seen here on my Facebook page so feel free to click it and check it out.

P.S. Pardon the writing style in this entry if you would. I’ve been burning it at both ends lately and would it not be that it’s Hurricane prep time, I would definitely be catching up on some Z’s right about now. It’s late and I’m off to bed. Good night world!

As always,

The Queen

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