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Sunny South at Mardi Gras, Casino that is

Well well, here I am with a slightly bittersweet post. You see, while I do have some items on my backlog yet to edit, this set is a special set. Why you ask?

This set contains images taken during my last outing ever with the Babe. You’ll learn all about the why on a later post, I promise. Today I want to just focus on the photos. Well, technically the focus is always on the photos though you know what I mean. So let’s get to it and quit toying around, shall we? Yes, lets. 

Last weekend I went out in support of a local and upcoming cover band I know I’ve written about before, Sunny South. These guys are great and get better each time I go and see this. On this particular night they were doing their thing at Mardi Gras Casino and who knew, senior can jam. Granted, I was told by several of them that Sunny South was heavy metal which I found silly and cute at the same time. Actually Sunny South is a tad more on the eclectic side. After all, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, Queens of the Stone Age, Pink Floyd, etc.. Not heavy metal yet they entertain. 

This place was great. Well, for myself anyways. Not only did my senior-loving self get my heart warmed up watching them dance with each other enjoying their life, I had plenty of fun toying with the spotlights on the stage. It was definitely a welcome leg stretch for me and a change of pace from the usual red, green, blue joys of regular stage lighting. You can see for yourselves. The full set is available on my Facebook page though without fail here are my favorite shots.  You know I want to hear what you think so check them out.

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