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Churchill’s and the Grey 8’s

Ah, Churchill’s. The place has been around almost as long as I have and in Miami lately, that’s saying a lot as most of the places we grew up frequenting have been closing.

Cut forward to a couple of weeks ago and my recent visit to this little piece of local music history to check out the Grey 8’s. I hadn’t been out to check them out in quite some time and I figured it was due. Of course I always bring my camera was me and  I got curious to see how the Babe performed in a place that dark. It started out rough at first being that of course I shoot live with no flash and the Babe had a hard time finding what I wanted him to focus on however I finally was able to get him with the program so to speak.

I didn’t shoot long, nor did I take a lot of shots. I think in total I snapped about 70 or so, but there was quite a few that I kind of dug and so I decided to share with you. Funny how what started out as nothing turns in to something. I know, I’m rambling in a sense. I can’t help it, I was up late playing with my new Beast which you will start seeing his images soon.

For now though, I’ll leave you with this quick collection which is officially the last of my backlogged images taken with the Babe before giving him up yesterday. You can see the full set on my Facebook. Some are noisy, some grainy, but I think they fit. I will say this, I’m incredibly excited to experience what the future holds for me behind the lens. Things are just around the corner.

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