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“Color”, an event presented by Compositum Musicae Novae!

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That was exactly how I spent St. Patrick’s Day evening, immersed in art of varying forms.    

I was recently contacted by Compositum Music Novae to photograph one of their events held at Coral Gables Museum. “Compositum Musicae Novae is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization of classically trained composers, musicians, dancers, visual artists and literary artists-dedicated to producing, performing, and exposing the public to new artistic expressions in music, dance and the visual and literary arts.” I had the pleasure of working with them December of 2013, back when I first began shooting and was both excited and flattered to hear from them again. Even more exciting was they had another event they were wanting to have me come out and shoot. What a beautiful location too. That’s one thing I love about going to the different gigs. I love visiting new places I had never been and the museum was no exception. I made it a point to get there just a tad early to not only grab a few shots of the hall they were hosting the exhibition at, but to also take a quick walk around seeing what I could before it was time to get to work.

Then it was show time. Their evening began with a beautiful piece composed of an acoustic guitar playing along a digitally composed track and instantly I was impressed. It really takes a certain level of skill to play along with digitally synthesized sound effects and interact with it so-to-speak. The night progressed on to poetry and even some interpretive dance. It really was a lovely time and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. If I had to say one thing it would be that due to the event also being video recorded by the organization, I had to take extra care to walk around the room quietly as to not interfere with their recording. Not really the easiest of tasks when you are wearing wooden heeled boots walking on hardwood flooring. I’ll know more for next time.

Nonetheless, this was a great night and I absolutely loved the shots that resulted from it. The lighting, the textures, it was all eye candy for me in that regard. I look forward to my next event with them and for now leave you with my favorite images from the evening posted below. You can also check out the set on Facebook as well.








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