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Sunny South at the Beard

What started off as a night that should have been fairly quiet, it turned out to be a night of 3 bands in two different locations. What great times. 

My first stop was to check out Sunny South at a local Brewery, Lincoln’s Beard Brewing. I love this place. The food is great, the sound is on point and not to mention, I love playing with the lighting when a band is performing.  Even when I’m editing their shots in post, I love making them as colorful as possible. Yes, I dislike converting to black and white. I will only when the shot calls for it but more often than not, I play up the colors as much as a I can. Let me see I had a field day with the colors that night. 

I’m glad that I got that chance before heading out to the next venue though you will see why in the posts to follow. For now, I wanted to bring to you my favorite shots from the Beard. As always I listed the full set on my Facebook page. It’s less than my usual upload though it’s not necessarily a bad thing. I know you all lead busy lives and to browse through too many photos will take up more time than necessary. 

Of course I was there for some Blues and Brews. I also may have snuck out to the food trucks for one of the best Peanut Butter Sandwiches ever, The King. Oh man was that a delicious PB&J. Seriously, if you ever stop by Lincoln’s Beard, grab a peanut butter sandwich. It not only indulges your inner child, it goes great with the beer. That’s it for now, though. I still have two more bands to work on in post and the clock ticks by. 

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