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Day 4 Rocking Femme Fest

Well, well. The trifecta is now complete. 

I am happy to bring to you the final installment in my little trio of bands, Day 4. It was a great night of shooting and I wrapped it up at Femme Fest hosted at Churchill’s Pub. If you read my previous two posts you will see that while I began my night at a local brewery, my last two performances were at this little piece of Miami music history. Now where the previous band, Modern Mimes was lit interesting and very gritty, Day 4 was fairly dark with a whole lot of red. I wasn’t the fan and even found myself using flash. Yes, I said it. I used flash. Stop the presses, it was only for a short while. 

All kidding set aside, truth is I just felt experimenting. It had been a long day and my eyes were tired so I figured why not play a bit. To be fair, it did allow for an easier time in post though I will be honest, I still am not a fan of flash. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed myself behind the lens and captured a few cool shoots of a bunch of rocking peeps having a great time. I myself had some fun but then again, when don’t I? After all, life is short. Enjoy yourself. 

I picked a few favorites to share with you tonight and I’m hoping you enjoy. It’s not my greatest work. At least I’m not too fond of them, but I don’t want that reflecting on the night or the bands that evening. They were all great. What can I say? We are our own worst critics usually; correct? I know for sure that I am. It only makes me push myself that much harder the next time around. I always do push myself. You can never be too big to grow. Keep on striving and pushing those limits. But first, check out the set on my Facebook page. 

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