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A New Dawn

It’s been years since I’ve watched the sunrise. Two years to be exact. Well, that was two years too long if you ask me. Well, I just had to do something about it this past weekend. 

I had to do it. I had to watch the sun come up and a brand new day dawn. Plus, I had yet to take the Beast out to my favorite beach and there is no better time like the present. After all, tomorrow is never promised. I have always preferred sunrise to sunsets for that reason. It’s the start of new day if nothing else. Wow, I’m full of anecdotes today aren’t I? 

I don’t want to stray from the point, sunrises. They really are my favorite. Even more so when they are coming up over the ocean. Feeling the warmth on your face, the smell of the salt in the ocean and even the feel of the sand between your toes. It is absolutely perfect. I had not realized just how much I had needed to step away like that even if it was but for a few hours. I have quite a lot taking place all at once and to decompress like that is certainly recommended by royalty. 

As for my adventure. Yes, I woke up early. Earlier than my normal work day. Thankfully though, I am a morning person and with a cup of coffee in hand, I wan in route to Hollywood Beach. Have I mentioned how much I love that beach? While I typically go a bit further north than the boardwalk, I wanted to incorporate some of the boardwalk aspect in to my photos so I made the exception this time around. Granted, it was a fairly busy morning despite my 6:30 a.m. arrival though I was excited to grab a few shots with people partaking in the dawn activities. I normally don’t capture people unless they are performing though there silhouettes fit just nicely this set. 

I didn’t take very many photos. To be honest I really didn’t want to just sit there and take in the beauty. But the ones I did take I am very pleased to share with you. Alas, it didn’t feel like I was there long enough and I do plan on another visit very, very soon. In the meanwhile, please enjoy my captures and feel free to leave comments. I love feedback. You can also view them on my Facebook page

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