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Compositum Musicae Novae’s Metamorphosis

Last week was a very busy week for me. 3 bookings each one day apart combined with a day job equaled a very tired individual. While I would love to sleep for like a week, I’m actually quite excited to be sharing this particular post with you today. 

I had the extreme pleasure to be invited out to photograph another amazing  gallery event brought together by Compositum Musicae Novae. It was a night of music, art, dance and theater.  By far my favorite event of theirs that I’ve been to. Not only was it held at the beautiful Pinecrest Gardens, it was from start to finish a wonderful and beautiful performance by all participants. From the jazz trio, the harps, the play and the dance as well as the displayed art, I came away cultured and soothed. As for the photos, I will let them speak for themselves. 

It was difficult for me to trim this set down to manageable album on Facebook and even more difficult to select my favorites from this post. Between the lighting, the expressionisms and all around vibe of the night, I was quite fond of several photos. Nonetheless, I had to save the bulk of them for CMN though I am taking a few to share because one should always share things that make them feel good. This set does just that. 

Of course none of this evening would have been possible for me without the Compositum and so I will tell you to visit their website to see what they are all about and what they have planned gallery wise next. Feel free to click here to give them a quick peak and you know I also have to point you to my Facebook page for a few more images I’ve selected to share.

Thank you for your time and now back to work for this one. I have a special set to work on that I have to keep under wraps for now. Don’t worry though, I still have quite a few more things to share in the meanwhile. 

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