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Intermodal Dade

While I have a special blog entry drafted, spellchecked and ready to post, I’ve been keeping busy with a few projects both personally and professionally.Photography wise, I have been taking it upon myself to learn a few new skills here and there which were really helpful especially recently. I won’t get in to it because it falls along the lines of a personal accomplishment despite it being photography related though let’s just say I accepted a task and despite my initial doubts, I’m thankful to have been given the incentive as well as accomplishing what I set out to do. I know, that’s on the cryptic side. Excuse me for that. 

On to the reason for this particular post. I already mentioned how I am patiently sitting on a post I’m excited about. Time, however, waits for no man and so, that being the case, I keep on keeping on. I have had this idea in my head of revisiting some of my old spots and taking them all in once again though this time through my new set of eyes. Yes, I’m speaking of Beast. I thought it would be great to go out and see the old with the new. It isn’t even so much having new gear and taking it for a spin around an old block as much as it is let’s take in the past and perhaps give it a different perspective. 

On that track, I decided to hit up the Intermodal Center at Miami International Airport a second time around. Initially I wanted to go in to the terminal once again though I didn’t quite make it in that far. I have to admit I got carried away at the hub and was enjoying myself far too much to diverge from that track. Hindsight, I should have just gone and made a day off it however I was rather worn out from the weekend and thought it would be a better choice to just head home and get to work. 

I had a lot of fun playing with lines and symmetry, shapes and colors.As for the post work, I kept it on the cold and moodier side of the coin. I’m not sure why that was except that it was the general feel I had that day while walking about. Maybe it was all the metal wherever I turned. Perhaps it was on account of it being a ridiculously hot day out and being indoors not melting away was a welcomed feeling. I’m not sure. What I do know is that it was a great day and I captured some images I am rather pleased with. 

Here they are. The favorite of the lot. You know the routine, the whole set is uploaded to my Facebook page. Go on, take a look. 

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