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Sunny South Wishes

Hello Hello readers. I’m back! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve checked in and let me just say, it was a very relaxing vacation with very little interaction with technology. We all need some time to disconnect after all. I did however have a few photos I was working on that I just had to finish up and I’m bringing to. you know. 

A couple of weeks back was my birthday and I was touched by the fact that the guys at Sunny South decided to make it a birthday celebration at Lincoln’s Beard while they did their thing. I didn’t shoot much as it was a night of celebration after all, but you all know me, my camera is never far and well, I love what I do. 

So while this post may be short and the photos few, I’m still giving you the opportunity to see what I see. You all know I love Sunny South. They are such a great group. Humble, kind and quite a bit of fun to watch. This night was no exception. I think if I had one complaint about that night was that my favorite food truck was not present outback. I had to settle for a churrasco taco instead of a delicious pb&j with honey and bacon. Well, come to think of it, I don’t think that’s really settling at all. Okay, that’s the foodie in me talking. I digress. 

Let me bring to you my favorites of the evening. Interestingly enough, there are 13 in this selection. Coincidence? I think not. Feel free to click through them and let me know what you think. Oh and there are a few more on my Facebook page if you so feel inclined to head on over there as well. 

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