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Flashback to Swampgrass Willy’s, Modern Mimes

It’s been a long time since I have been to Swampgrass Willy’s. It isn’t exactly around the corner for me but for the right band, it’s well worth the drive.  That being said….

There’s this band I really dig named Modern Mimes. Some of you may have seen the set I posted of them several months ago at Churchill’s Femme Fest. While that night I had gone out for a different band and totally getting hooked on Modern Mimes as an added bonus. This night I went out specifically to capture them with my lens. I was not disappointed. They were absolutely amazing on stage and before I knew it their set was over. While the fact that it ended before I knew it was a bit disappointing, I think it was partially due to the fact that I was just loving what I was not just hearing, but seeing. 

I’m keeping this post short and sweet because the truth is I just want you all to see what I saw that night. Not a bad revisit to a previous venue. I hope you all enjoy the photos, I’m picking my top 12 here for you, Make sure you check out the full set on my Facebook page and tell me what you think.

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