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Kokosante, Ladies and gentlemen

Without any further ado, I’ve been catching up on my backlog recently as you may have noticed. Images taken a few months back that I just haven’t gotten around to. I have made it my goal to get these taken care of in the next couple of weeks. I have a few things in store for me that I want to be ready for. Personal and photography alike. May promises to be a great month. It is known. But for now, let’s talk about Kokosante. While they did not. provide for a variety of pictures, let me tell you how entertained I was during their performance. I was pleasantly surprised. It actually made for my staying longer than I should have this particular not and I wasn’t complaining. 

So yes, you’re seeing it correctly. A guitarist in a dress, a vocalist in a Luchador mask and unfortunately not really any photos worth posting of Eyore the drummer. So much fun. These guys were having a blast on stage and I was personally having a blast and thoroughly  enjoying the colors. I didn’t snap all that many photos of them but I’m thinking you guys might dig this particular few. As the saying goes, quality over quantity any damn day.  There are a few more on my Facebook page though I think my selection here just about sums up the night. They were all shot with my 24-70mm, no flash, just the ambient which to me is my preferred style. I have always felt the minute you use a flash, even to just fill-in, it takes you out of the venue altogether. That’s not my style. Not saying I won’t ever use flash, I just prefer not to. I’d rather have you see as I see and if I’ve done it right, you’ll see it too. 

Kokosante (6 of 8)

Image 6 of 8


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