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Xperimento, Up Close and Personal

One set at a time. 

I’m almost caught up which is a good thing. I’m down to two quick little test sets after this and I have to say that I am feeling fairly accomplished at this moment. The hours at work have picked up and while that means more coin (which is fitting in oh so nicely at the moment) it also means less time to work on my passion. Still, it is my passion and when you want something bad enough, you work for it. That’s exactly what I’ve done and continue to do. Yes, that means very little to no sleep but I have plans for myself. 

Let’s not digress though. It’s not about personal comings and going here, it’s about the photos and I am not keeping that from you. So let me share with you now a very small yet wonderfully simple little set I took a while back of Xperimento jamming out at Lincoln’s Beard. To those of you that know me personally, you know I’n all about simplicity and when I can keep the post down to a minimum in order to keep the full feeling available for your pleasure, I do just that. I truly do dislike taking away from the atmosphere with over edited or artificially lit shots. Lincoln’s Beard Brewing gave me the opportunity to keep it just the way I like it this time around. 

There aren’t very many shots to the set to begin with, 25 images to be honest but you know the routine, I pick my top few. The number of that final cut basically depends on how I’m feeling the whole set which can be found on my Facebook page.. This time around it’s a top 10 for your viewing pleasure. Nice, clean and oh so simple. What can I say, I’m a simple woman. So I hope you enjoy and as always, your feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for your time. 

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