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X and more, Nonpoint brought it home.

The moment I had been waiting for. What I had prepared for. Nonpoint takes the stage and I checked off another mark on that list. 

The goal for that entire evening was shoot clean. I had to on account of my having to turn these images around in a short amount of time. I wasn’t going to have much time to spare playing around with edits or even finishing up any stragglers from previous work. So I burned the midnight oil clearing off my backlog and set myself up for a fresh, clean start just so that I was all set for this very night. As the saying goes, “an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure”. While I’m certainly one that likes to go with the flow, my photography is something I take very serious and when I can plan accordingly, I do. 

That being said I was incredibly excited for this night on tow counts. One, I had been wanting to see Nonpoint live for quite some time now and this was my first time officially in a photo pit. Three songs, no flash and then you’re out in the crowd with everyone else. I don’t shoot live music with a flash so I was perfectly fine with that. I feel using a flash when shooting live takes away the atmosphere and the vibe of that venue and the stage. I was totally cool with being out the crowd as well. After all, I feed off of the energy in the crowd just as much and sometimes more so than I feed off of the band’s energy. What I was apprehensive about what kind of shots was I going to get being that close and having to look up and the band that is on a stage clearly much higher than my short little self?

Well, I am sharing the results with your right here and right now. But wait, let me tell you how epic Nonpoint was. They played all that good good we know and love from them and even played tracks from their newest album, X. Yes, their 10th album and it did not disappoint whatsoever. I can’t believe how quickly their set seemed to go for me. Before I knew it it was over and I was left wanting more. But no, I’m not here for a review, you’re here for the photos aren’t you? Yes, yes you are. 

I’ll tell you out of the three bands that night, I was all about this particular set. I am so insanely happy with how they turned out. I am so pleased in fact that out of all the bands this evening, Nonpoint’s set contains the most amount of images both the ones submitted to Revolution Live and ones I’m sharing with you here and on my Facebook page. Yes, I want you to check each and everyone of them out so here’s the link to the larger collection on my Facebook page in addition to this small little collection of my favorites. 

That’s it for now. I’m off for a little R&R very much due. Thank you for stopping by and you know the feedback is appreciated. 

With Love, 

the Queen

P.S. Dad, this one is for you. I miss you.


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