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Give Me One More, The Main Squeeze at Revolution Live

I can’t even begin to get in to how thankful I have been lately with the opportunities I have had behind the lens. Case in point, another amazing night for my Beast and I. The band, The Main Squeeze.

I first saw The Main Squeeze a little over a year ago at Wynwood Yard and instantly fell in love with their vibe. I was immediately a fan. So was my lens. I snapped a few photos and as it turns out, they enjoyed the images I captured. Well, the year passed and come to find out they were returning to South Florida and performing at one of my favorite venues, Revolution Live. You know I had to be there again and this time, as not only their fan, but their photographer. It was both and honor and a pleasure. The night was amazing throughout. The Main Squeeze was positively on fire. 

It was difficult for me, in a sense. Listening to them makes you just want to dance and throw in working all angles of that venue capturing them from all sides made for quite the workout for that evening. I am not complaining though. Not only did I get my dance on but I absolutely love how the images turned out. So much so that I could only narrow down the collection I’m sharing with you here to 20 images and with even a much larger set on my Facebook page

Here they are, my top 20 and I’m hoping you get the idea of just how much I dig their vibe. They really are a great group of guys with a killer sound and I highly recommend you check them out if they are ever in your area. In the meanwhile, they have tons of tracks available online on Spotify with links to more media on their website. Feel free to give them a visit and you know I’m welcoming your feedback. 


With love, 

The Queen 



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