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Within You

Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.

Every now and again I like to step away. Out in to the outdoors and away from the city noise you could say. No, it’s not an expensive trip anywhere, it’s so much better. It is about experiencing your surroundings. Money is not necessary and the moment is invaluable nonetheless. While not a hike in its traditional meaning, it is a disconnect of sorts and it’s my moments to myself that I value and cherish. Those moments, ones that some of us avoid at all costs, I find that they are very necessary to recenter oneself. I of course have my camera within reach but that’s just an extension of me you could say.

This particular set was one that I took a while back and the photos have been sitting in my edit queue just waiting patiently for that breath of fresh air. Of course it’s just after the Thanksgiving Holiday and I’m here thankful for all those little moments. I’m grateful for those precious times with friends and loved ones that occur throughout the year and leave lasting impressions on my soul.

What better time to step back to this particular set and feel? There is no better time than now.  So there I was, while everyone slept, editing and reflecting on all that I am thankful for. The smiles, the tears, the excitements, the upsets and all things in between. I am thankful for those in my life and those with me in spirit. I am thankful for love and kindness, grateful for the support as well as the hate. Most of all I am thankful to be here able to experience this beautiful rollercoaster called life.

Enough sap though, there’s so much more to come and I’m excited as each day passes. In the meanwhile, here is my art, my passion, my heart. I thank you all.

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