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Also Under A Groove, Fishbone

We are getting near the finish line of my night at One Nation Under a Groove and with this set I’m taking you back a bit to the early 80’s.

While the music industry has and is changing, but it hasn’t stopped these guys from laying down their own unique mix of Ska, rock and punk sounds. Fishbone has been on the scene since the early ’80s and with most of the original members reunited and back on stage, you can’t help but have a good time. Everyone was dancing. I mean everyone. There were all age groups in this crowd and we were all grooving. 

I have to say that I was thankful to an extent being posted up on the upper level with my long lens which kept me from getting in the way of those down in the pit completely immersed in the moment though I wouldn’t have minded getting some cool perspective shots of that massive sax. Yes, the saxophone is one of my favorite instruments and not only does Angelo play a bass sax, but he also does vocals and dances around while he’s at it. Needless to say, for me that’s impressive. 

Let me not digress. We’re here for the photos, right? I want to show you a peek through my eyes and if I’m keeping in line with what I love to do, you’ll see just what I was feeling during their set. It was electric. So. I’m picked out my top 10 images from the set and highlighting them here for you with the full set available on my Facebook page. As I mentioned earlier, I was shooting from the soundboard with the Beast rocking his 70-200mm which meant despite being at a bit of a distance, I was still able to get close. Let me know what you guys think. “Are you Intrinsically Intertwined??”

Much love, 

The Queen

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