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Acoustically Yours, Sevendust

Here we are at the last and final entry for this amazing night of great acoustic styling.

Yes, it’s time for my third and final installment of Acoustic Xmas2019 with Sevendust, Deep Fall and Stitched up Heart. If you read my prior posts, you’ll have read a quick tidbit of each of the supporting bands and now its time for the main event so to speak.

I had been given a peek at what the setlist would include and I got giddy just knowing they were starting off with two of my favorites and throwing in a cover of Hurt. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to this night. After all, you have rock bands stripping down their music however Sevendust was great as always.

I’m posting the setlist below along with my top favorite images because why not give you all the full overview.  You can also give a peek at the full set on my Facebook page because there are a few more. Again, shot from the soundboard with the 70-200mm on deck the majority of the night but you get the idea. It was a great time and I am glad I was able to cover the evening for my people at I’m Music Magazine 

So yes, here are my top favorites however in this instance I’m choosing to share with you a top 15 instead of a top 10. I couldn’t help it. When it came down to it, it was difficult for me to choose the images. Their lighting was perfect for my favorite mood shots and I was certainly feeling creative in the post as well. I hope you got a good feel for this night. If you ever have the opportunity to check out a band playing acoustically, I highly suggest it. It’s a completely different experience. 

Xmas Day
Skeleton Song
Hurt (Nine Inch Nails cover)
Got a Feeling
Angel's Son


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