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Let’s Get Lost, Patch of Heaven

One of my favorite things to do is to get outside and to go exploring. Especially when it’s to explore a new spot, even more so when the place where you are going ends up being tranquility personified.

Let me give you a little bit of backstory. Thanks to algorithms and whatnot, my feeds on social media are typically filled with one of two things; cute animal videos are beautiful places to go. I tend to share them along the way. I came across this one spot that is local to me that just took my breath away. It truly called and to me and so when I shared it with a long-time friend of mine, her first words were “let’s go”.  That’s all that needed to be said.

I hadn’t seen her in quite some time and we were overdue for a little escapism and so the plan was set. It was an early wakeup on a Saturday morning in order to make the drive however I will do it again in a heartbeat. Where did we go? Well, this little spot of paradise is called, “Patch of Heaven“. A non-profit nature preserve located in the Redlands in South Florida, this place has it all. it encompasses tropical hammock, pine rock-land, tropical gardens, and historic structures. When one enters POHG it exudes a sense of both spiritual oneness with nature and a serenity engendered by being apart from the urban milieu. It possesses a special sense of place and peace. Heaven in the midst of a concrete jungle, and I was all for it. 

While I did take Beast with me to snap photos, I’ll be honest I didn’t capture much. I was far too lost in the atmosphere and how it made me feel. I kept saying I was ready to move there in the instant. What I did capture does not even begin to accurately depict that serenity felt,  I’m sharing my images with you nonetheless. There are a few more images to be found on my Facebook page if you would like to have a look-see although I can’t say it enough, it’s a spot you’ll want to see for yourselves. 

There was a self-guided tour option, which we did and while we got lost a couple of times, it always felt like home. Needless to say, I already want to visit again. That and pick up a little more of that honey they produce. It is divine. Enough delay, here are my top ten favorite images. Let me know what you think.

“I feel the reason we are all here, our purpose of being, is to help others find their little piece of happiness and heaven right here on earth.”
Ken Poirot,

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