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Stay True to Yourself, Ziggy Marley

Not even rain could keep me from attending this night of assignment. I wasn’t missing this one, there was just no way. I was there, present and enjoying every moment, even the rain storms and the lightning, even more so, the music

Here is how it began. I arrive at Think Amphitheater stoked and ready for a night of vibes with non other than Ziggy Marley & Jack Johnson. I had been patiently waiting for this night to arrive for a couple of weeks and finally the day came. The night was here though unfortunately Mother Nature decided to attend the event as well. 

I walk up to the entrance and was met with signage advising the attendees to return to their vehicles as there was a rain delay. I make my way in to the venue, get my media pass and then began the wait. The rain was coming down fairly hard and so the other photographers and myself were waiting underneath one of the vendors tiki’s seeing when the rain would let up. 

We waited patiently, wondering if the show would get called Then, after two hours of waiting, the decision is made to go forward with the show and I couldn’t be happier. Granted, the opening act was scratched of but Ziggy and Jack were still a go and I was ready. Finally, patience paid off and it was time to get to work for my 3 song set. 

Ziggy had such a great stage set up and I loved how they made full use of how large the stage actually is. I was having such a great time capturing Ziggy and his troupe that my time was up before I even knew it. Such an amazing show with so much energy, I couldn’t get enough. So here I am bringing to you my top five images of the night and would also love it if you check out the full set on my Facebook page. And let me say one more thing, if you get a chance to attend one of Ziggy’s concert, I highly recommend it. 

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