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A Decade Through The Eyes of a Queen

10 years ago, I went out in support of a couple of friends that were playing in bands at a music festival. While I had always been into photography, ever since I was a child and my father bought me my first ever camera, I had purchased my first DSLR and was itching to get some practice in behind the lens so I decided to bring it along for this night. I was clueless about all the nuances of shooting live photography. things like a media pass and getting permission to bring in a detachable lens to a venue were far behind my knowledge at the time. So I just grabbed my camera and headed out to STFUfest to show my support. 

Little did I know that on that night, I would begin my journey as Through The Eyes of a Queen. That night lit a spark in me further fueling the passion I had already for photography and sending me off in this amazing direction Yes, there are those that shoot landscape, sports, real estate, headshots, etc.., turns out what I love is performance, live music to be more precise. Something about watching people on a stage doing something they are passionate about just draws me in and gets me lost behind the lens. That’s the best way I can explain it, My eyes are blown open and I get lost when my finger is on the shutter.

There is the saying “If I had known then what I know now…”. Let’s just say I wouldn’t have done anything differently. Now I’m celebrating a decade of doing what I love and better yet, looking forward to the years to come. I really do love what I do. Photography is my baby, my sanity, my inspiration, my heart, my soul, my LIGHT. This is how I feed it. So on this mile marker of an anniversary, 10 years of capturing moments, and experiencing memories made, I put together a rather special collection. I took each year and selected 10 images I consider to be a favorite and created a gallery of sorts. 

Now while I did upload the full gallery of 100 images to my Facebook page, I selected one favorite from each of the years to share with you here on this post. A journey through a decade behind my eyes. It wasn’t easy selecting images. Like everything else in life it all depends on how you are feeling when choosing though I will say this, I’m in a phenomenal place. So without further ado, here is my TOP TEN. You are all welcome to visit and browse through the whole decade on my Facebook page though I know that time is in short supply for us all. I do appreciate your time with me on this journey. Time is the most valuable currency. 

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