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Category : Entertainment

Hellzapoppin’ on the real

I’m baaacck and super excited to be bringing to you this next collection. I know I mentioned how I did a thing on 4/20 and this is it.  (more…)

Live at Kelsey Theater

Hello all you lovely people. It’s me again. I’ve been working hard. On that grind day in and day out though I have been loving it. You see, I did a thing on April 20th and of course I brought the Beast along with me. Want to see how it began? Read on… (more…)

Day 4 Rocking Femme Fest

Well, well. The trifecta is now complete.  (more…)

Modern Mimes at Churchill’s

I’m always up for some new music and Femme Fest at Churchill’s was of no exception. Yes, I have been quite busy though productive. No, I don’t quit. This post completes band 2 of 3. (more…)

Sunny South at the Beard

What started off as a night that should have been fairly quiet, it turned out to be a night of 3 bands in two different locations. What great times. 


“Color”, an event presented by Compositum Musicae Novae!

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

That was exactly how I spent St. Patrick’s Day evening, immersed in art of varying forms.     (more…)

Practice on two counts

A little while ago, I had the opportunity to take the Beast out for his first live music experience and yes, we crashed a Sunny South practice at Zombie Pop Studios.  (more…)

Churchill’s and the Grey 8’s

Ah, Churchill’s. The place has been around almost as long as I have and in Miami lately, that’s saying a lot as most of the places we grew up frequenting have been closing. (more…)

Sunny South at Mardi Gras, Casino that is

Well well, here I am with a slightly bittersweet post. You see, while I do have some items on my backlog yet to edit, this set is a special set. Why you ask?


EVB5’s debut at Wynwood Yard

When you love what you do, it isn’t work. The moment it becomes work, it’s time to call it quits. Luckily that is not the case for me as I grow ever more passionate about my craft with each passing experience and for that I am ever so thankful. 
